Thursday, October 15, 2009

Three Dimensional Issue

I am really enjoying putting together the website for the final project. The website Christina and I are working on is focused on Pat Moras poem La Migra that we covered the second week of class. I really enjoyed the poem due to it having so much symbolism that makes you contemplate on how it all relates to our society. The reason for choosing to develop a website on the poem is mainly due to my interest in the topic because I am an immigrant here after all. In the beginning of the year I felt like Lou and I didn’t have adequate time to work on our presentation due to only having a week to get it ready so I felt a little rushed and figured this would set a perfect opportunity to delve further into the issue of illegal immigration.

The research for the website came pretty simple seeing as how illegal immigration a popularly debated currently. The idea of website Christina and I are almost finished making focuses on presenting the issue of illegal immigration to the high school students. The reason for picking high school students as the center audience is that when I was in high school, two years ago, the issue was presented as that immigration is bad and we should have strict border patrol to keep illegals out. Of all the U. S. history teachers I had, three, not one of them highlighted that Mexican’s did occupy Southwestern U. S. until we acquired the territory and drove them out or asked for them to abandon their loyalty to Mexico and consider themselves American. The idea really truck me when we covered it in class and added a whole new element to the issue of immigration from Mexico which is that the land belongs more to the Mexicans than it does to us.

Our website begins with introduction to the topic of issues on immigration. It then has Pat Mora’s poem La Migra to emphasize both sides, border patrol and illegal immigrants, of the struggle at the border. The following two sub-pages separately focus on analyzing each stanza in order to clarify for the audience the symbols Pat Mora uses in her poem to convey her message to her audience. The remainder of the website highlights support for both the border patrol site and the Mexican immigrant side of the issue.

Christina and I choose not to take a stance on the issue and let the high school audience of the website decide by presenting support for both sides. Being a psychology major I learned that influential information that is presented last will have more of a persuasive impact on the audience to side with stance it takes. In order to help avoid such dilemma Christina and I decided it would be best to alternate between border patrol and Mexican immigrant sides of Pat Moras poem instead of presenting all the support for border patrol side and having the last pages of the site be dedicated to support Mexican immigrant. Overall I am enjoying working on this project and look forward to presenting it this Saturday.

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